Agility classes

Have you seen agility on TV and thought you and your dog could give it a shot?  Now is your opportunity to learn the foundations needed to get started in the sport.  

What real-life skills will your dog gain through this sport?


Impulse control around other moving dogs


Wait in motion and with high distraction


Independent cues on obstacles with distance


Mind-body awareness to increase muscle skills as your dog ages


Physical coordination and confidence to take on real life obstacles

Agility class is Joy’s favourite thing to do— even more than going for a run at the beach. Agility has allowed me to continue to strengthen our relationship so she listens to my cues and behaves — and she enjoys it so much she yelps in excitement every time we pull up at Linda’s. Great time for you, your dog and even your kids if want to join in!

Julianne Baker

Scent Detection classes

Dogs have up to 300 million olfactory receptors in their noses compared to about 6 million in ours.  This means that they are 40 times better and locating a scent than we are which is why dogs are used for all types of scent detection work!

What real-life skills will your dog gain through this sport?


How to use their nose to find anything from specific scents to other people


How to alert you to the scent when they find it


Calm behavior around other dogs engaged in scent work


Focused attention on you and the task at hand with real world distractions

We take scent classes with our Doberman female at Linda Leon Puro Perro Dog Training once a week since 7 months. It is fun to see how the dog enjoys it and Linda does a great job as a professional dog trainer. Glad that we found her.

Jogi Juergen Gerner

Treibball (Urban Herding) classes

Have you ever marveled at the amazing focus and skills had by herding dogs when moving stock?  Now you can achieve those same skills with your dog without the sheep!

What real-life skills will your dog gain through this sport?


Sit, down, stand, stay on verbal or hand cue


Go to a location that you indicate (it could be many feet from you!)


Down and wait in motion


Push & bring it in by pushing


Team focus with bigger distractions over time

My dog absolutely loves her twice a week treibball classes. She has so much fun pushing those balls and learning new cues and it’s amazing to see the progress she’s making each week. Linda is a wonderful trainer, I cannot recommend her enough!

Cedric Kieffer